Get Involved

Helping Others

There are many ways to Get Involved especially before an emergency or a disaster occurs.  Volunteer and get trained with a recognized organization involved in disaster response and recovery before the next disaster event. There are many organizations and faith-based groups in our community that need volunteers.  Here are some ideas:




Cash is Best

Financial contributions to a recognized disaster relief organization are the most effective donations to make.

  • Most needed and the most efficient way of helping those impacted by disaster.
  • Allow voluntary organizations to fund response and recovery efforts, obtain goods and services locally, and provide direct financial assistance to disaster survivors to meet their own needs.
  • Make a financial contribution to the voluntary organization of your choice.
  • If you need help determining who to give to, National Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster website has a list of major non-profits.

Cash is fast and flexible, allowing professional aid groups to purchase exactly what is needed when it is needed. Monetary donations:

  • Save money by helping aid groups avoid delays and steep transportation and administrative costs associated with material donations.
  • Enable aid groups to quickly purchase culturally and nutritionally appropriate provisions close to the disaster site. Food and safe drinking water can almost always be purchased locally, even following a disaster. These goods arrive quickly and are fresh and familiar to survivors.
  • Boost local economies by supporting local markets and merchants, providing jobs, and generating cash flow. Unsolicited material goods often compete with goods from local markets, negatively impacting people’s livelihoods.
  • Allow for maximum flexibility when needs are constantly changing. Cash can be used to provide lifesaving healthcare, shelter, family reunification, counseling, and other services that are vital to survivors of disasters.
  • Promote efficiency because relief items purchased locally require less energy and generate fewer carbon emissions to transport to areas of need.

Even small monetary contributions can do a great deal of good, helping more people than unsolicited material donations.


Volunteer with a recognized organization involved in disaster response and recovery before the next disaster event.

  • Volunteer with a non-profit organization and be trained before the next event to find meaningful volunteer opportunities following a disaster.
  • There are many organizations and faith-based groups in your community that have active disaster programs and need volunteers.
  • These groups offer a wide range of services following a disaster:


get trained
before the next event

Only donate goods
that are
specifically requested

Donate Goods

Confirm what is needed BEFORE taking action!

  • Donate in-kind goods that are specifically requested or needed by recognized organizations.
  • Confirm the needs by contacting the voluntary organization of your choice before starting to collect.
  • Unsolicited donated goods such as used clothing, miscellaneous household items, and mixed or perishable foodstuffs require helping agencies to redirect valuable resources away from providing services to sort, package, transport, warehouse, and distribute items that may not meet the needs of disaster survivors.